Zapier Integration Guide

Zapier is an integration software, which allows you to connect to multiple web services. Automated connections called Zaps. Its easy to automate certificate distribution by connecting Verix with other tools you use daily. e.g.

What Can You Automate with Verix + Zapier?

  • Automatically send certificates from new entries in Typeform.
  • Issue certificates when a new row is added to Google Sheets.

How to create google form Zaps

Step 1: Find Verix on Zapier

  • Visit the Zapier App Directory and search for "Verix".
  • Choose a pre-built Zapier's templates and click "Try It" to start.
  • Step 2: Choose a pre-built template in Zapier's templates and click "Try It" to start.

    Step 2: Set Up a Trigger

    • Log in to Zapier and select your account.

    • Choose a trigger event, like "New Response" for Google Forms.
    • Press “Continue

    Follow below step by choosing a form for which you would like to issue certificates. Ensure your form includes fields for recipient name and email address.

    Run a test to confirm the trigger works. You should see a successful test result.

    Step 3: Configure the Action in Verix

    1. Select an action event that should perform the trigger under Verix App

    • “Create Single Credentials” or "Create multiple Credentials”.
    • Press “Continue”

    2. Log in to Verix using your Access Token:

    • Generate your token in Verix Dashboard > Integration.
    • Remember, the token is visible only once, so save it securely.

    Populate the fields in the action section

    Fill out the action fields:

    • Group: Choose a group for distributing certificates.

    • Recipient Name: Add the recipient's full name. If stored separately, combine first and last names.

    • Recipient Email: Add the recipient’s email address.

    • Issue Credential: Set to True for automatic issuance or False to save as a draft.

    • Issued On: Set the issuance date (defaults to the trigger date).

    • Expiry Date: Add an expiration date, if needed.

    • Credential Name: Enter the credential title visible to recipients.

    • Custom Attributes: Map any additional fields from your form to Verix.

    If you see some other inputs, it means that there are custom attributes on your account. If you want to add some specific data from your Google Form, you can create a custom attribute in Certifier and populate that field with the appropriate data

    Finish the process of setting up action by running a test. Running a test ensures that everything is set up correctly.

    Step 5: Publish and Automate

  • Once your test is successful, click "Publish Zap".
  • Your automation is now live! Certificates will be issued automatically based on your trigger.
  • 💡 Tips for a Smooth Integration

    • Ensure forms or sheets have mandatory fields like recipient name and email.
    • Save your Verix Access Token securely for future use.
    • Test each Zap before publishing to avoid errors.

    With this integration, Verix streamlines your credential issuance process, saving time and effort. Enjoy effortless automation!